Google D&AD New Blood Brief 2022
Create a typographically-led campaign based upon or expanding the Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a call to action or awareness.

Signs unseen

While emotional abuse is among the most experienced forms of abuse, it often goes unnoticed because the term “abuse” is associated with physical harm. But just because you can’t always see it, doesn’t mean it isn’t happening.

By modifying Noto, we bring to
light the hidden nature of emotional abuse and help them understand the signs are associated.

When you know more, you can
do more.

2022 D&AD New Blood
Pencil Winner

CW: Abby Adams
AD: Charlie Hilger


Scanning the unfinished phrases will reveal a message speaking to
the misunderstood and hidden nature of emotional abuse.

After scanning, the viewer will be directed to a resources page where they can learn the signs of emotional abuse. 

These pages automatically open in an incognito webpage and offer resources geographically based in and around the area where the board is placed.


Emotional abuse at work can be tackled in real time right in your Gmail account using Signs Bot.

Once installed, the extension will send a private message to recipient in cases where threatening language is detected and allow people to find resources nearby.

Businesses will also have the opportunity to incorporate their HR department as a resource.


Lemonade The Smoothie King Way


The Salvation Army Not For Profit. For Good.